You can use either of the two to invite participants.
The page that opens shows the Conference ID, and by clicking Invite at the bottom of the screen, you can view the web address of the meeting. Zoom will ask you if you would like to host a meeting in the application or in the browser. Write the meeting room ID in the Meeting ID or Personal Link Name field. If you have been invited by e-mail, click the link in the message. For instructions on creating a recurring meeting, please see the video on the Instructions for Teaching site. create a recurring meeting (Recurring meeting, Recurrence: No fixed time). prepare advance measures for small groups (Breakout Room pre-assign). We recommend creating the meeting through your browser as it offers more settings than the application. Setting up a meeting and sending invitations When using Chrome, Zoom can be accessed at From the login page, you can join meetings, start a meeting, edit the settings of your account and visit Zoom’s own instruction pages.
secure apps, like Moodle, are available. the default is that the data will not remain in the EU. subtitles and captions possible with shorthand. subtitling is only possible manually, or in practice by acquiring a shorthand writer to write the text. more detailed instructions for the University of Helsinki’s cloud storage. a link to the recording will be sent via e-mail, and the video can be downloaded to your computer from the link. the recording is stored in NORDUnet's servers in the EU. In NORDUnet's On-Prem Zoom, some functions, such as cloud recording, are different from those in standard Zoom. You use the University of Helsinki’s On-Prem Zoom when you are logged into Zoom with your university credentials via SSO. Only the validation of the Zoom licence takes place through Zoom's own cloud service in the EU. The service has been implemented in a secure manner and so that all video and audio traffic runs in the Nordic countries on NORDUnet's own servers. The University of Helsinki uses the On-Premise (On-Prem) Zoom provided by NORDUnet.