
Am i not human do i not bleed
Am i not human do i not bleed

am i not human do i not bleed

Maroon or black blood is usually caused by bleeding higher in the gut. Polyps are small growths from the inner lining of the colon. Polyps may be found before the cancer develops. Bowel cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in New Zealand. tiredness and being unusually pale – which may be a sign of anaemia (low blood count).īlood mixed into the bowel motion may also indicate bowel cancer.This type of bleeding can be caused by a serious condition, and you may have other symptoms as well. Both can be caused by constipation, and may cause difficult and painful bowel movements.īlood mixed into the bowel movement usually means trouble further up from the anus: it may indicate an inflamed rectum or colon (large intestine or bowel).A fissure is a split in the lining of the anus.A haemorrhoid is a swollen vein inside the anus.This type of bleeding is usually caused by haemorrhoids (piles) or anal fissure. Symptomsīright red blood may be seen only on toilet paper or in the toilet bowl after a bowel movement – not mixed freely with the bowel motion. Some causes can be serious, which is why it should be checked out by your doctor.

am i not human do i not bleed

Anal bleeding can be a sign of many different problems.

Am i not human do i not bleed